POST V1 ems/attachments

Uploads a file attachment against an EMS entity.

Request Information

Example Request

To upload an attachment against Experiment with ID 1234, make the following API call:

POST /ems/attachments

and put the following content in the request body:


The following entity types are supported:

  • Experiment
  • Plate
  • Well
  • Study
  • Project

This endpoint does not require the api-username or api-usertoken headers to be present. If these headers are present, they will be ignored.

Request Detail

This request should be made with the Content-Type header set to 'multipart/form-data'. The attachment file must be posted with an element name of "attachment".

Response Information

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
201 (Created) The attachment has been successfully created.
400 (Bad Request) The posted data did not contain a single attachment file OR the the entity type supplied does not support attachments.
403 (Forbbiden) An invalid file type was attempted to be uploaded
404 (Not Found) The entity described by the entity type and id does not exist.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) If the posted mime type is not multipart/form-data.