Results Package Format

The results package must be a ZIP file containing the following file(s):

Results File

The Results file specifies the results to be uploaded by the Instrument. Results are always uploaded against an EMS Well (defined by the primary key attribute, pk, for the <well> element).

File Format

The Results file must be a valid XML document with the filename 'results.xml' and must validate against the XML schema, which is provided below. In addition to the schema validation, the XML document must also have an XML namespace attribute, xmlns, set for the root <importData> element in the document. The namespace must be:


Result Types

The Result Type is indicated by the resultType attribute set for the root <importData> element in the document. The allowed values are:

The resultType attribute is optional, if no value is supplied, the default value is 'Standard'.

Standard Results

The 'Standard' result type should be used for all non-Stability Experiments.

Stability Results

The 'Stability' result type should be used for Stability Experiments only as these are processed differently to 'Standard' Experiments.

If the 'Stability' result type is specified, the ID of the measurement that the results relate to must be included as a result parameter:

<importData .....>
		<resultParameter name="measure_id">[MeasureId]</resultParameter>
Where [MeasureId] is the ID indicated in the Stability Sample details.

Overwrite Mode

The Overwrite Mode attribute, overwrite, can have the following values:

The Overwrite Mode can be set for the following elements:

XML Schema

The schema used to validate the Results file can be obtained here (right-click and 'Save Target As...').

Example Files

Sample results files can be obtained from the following links (right-click and 'Save Target As...'):

Note that the content within these files is just to illustrate the structure, the actual results files are likely to include multiple entries for each element type.

[Optional] Attachment Files

The optional attachment files are used to upload files against the EMS Well defined in the Results file. Multiple attachments can be uploaded. Any file that is not the results.xml file will be treated as an attachment.

Common attachment file formats are JPEG and PDF. If the file is of an invalid type, such as .exe or .dll, then the result package will be rejected.